Adventist Health Portland Offers Free Breast Cancer Screening
Taking breast cancer awareness to a whole new level
October is a month for many things: fall, pumpkin spice, Halloween and, of course, Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Everyone gets to wear pink, especially on Wednesdays, and the need for access to high quality and proper care is at the forefront of everyone’s mind.
This is true for Kim as well. She feels the true weight of what Breast Cancer Awareness Month truly means. “My mother passed away from breast cancer, and my aunt was diagnosed with breast cancer twice,” she explains. “That’s why I have been getting [breast] exams since I was 30.”
With this history, Kim makes sure to stay up to date with her yearly physicals. During one of these appointments her care providers mentioned Adventist Health Portland’s free 3D mammography diagnostic imaging program. Through this program, Kim was able to get quality care without having to worry about the cost.
The price of 3D mammography for an uninsured patient can be up to $350. Other appointments to discuss the results or next steps increase that cost. As a part-time employee, Kim does not get insurance through work. Having access to free, high-quality health care is a lifesaver for Kim… potentially, literally.
Easy accessibility to healthcare is one of Adventist Health’s priorities. A little paperwork ensures all eligible patients can get a 3D mammogram for free. Kim is happy to make the hour-long drive as well. “It is worth it for the peace of mind.”
That statement is true for many of our patients. In the 13 years that Adventist Health Portland has been providing free 3D mammograms for our patients, we have been able to offer that peace of mind to thousands.
Of course, some people get news they don’t want from their mammogram. However, thanks to this program, hundreds of patients have caught their breast cancer at earlier stages, which improves the likely outcome of their care.
Since Kim works in healthcare, she has been able to continue her push for affordable care. “I refer our patients [to the 3D mammography program] all the time,” she says. “It can be hard to find the resources for healthcare when you’re uninsured.”
If you value supporting high-quality healthcare access for those who need it most, learn more about our priority initiatives on our website.